Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Graduation...Vacation...Moving...New Job...

Our life is crazy hectic right now and I love it. Residency graduation was last Friday. My parents, grandmother, and mother-in-law came to my graduation banquet along with Jonathan, D and A of course. We were all dressed up and I loved having my family there to celebrate the completion of the last 3 years.

 My little "family" Jonathan, Me, D, A, and Andrea (the little girl Jonathan watches)
 Me and my MeMaw
 My Parents and I.
 My Mother-in-law, Me, Jonathan
One of my best friends: Allie and Me

My last day of residency is this Friday. We leave for vacation on Sunday. My parents are going to watch D and A while we are gone. I can't wait to go on vacation with the love of my life and enjoy time together. We are headed to Seattle, Vancouver and Victoria. We have baseball tickets to watch the Mariner's play, one more stadium to add to my collection for my goal to go to all major league stadiums to watch a game.

We will be gone on vacation for 8 days. The day after we get back from vacation (which we will arrive home at like 10pm) we have to finish packing and paint at the new house. The next day we move. The next few days will include unpacking and getting things settled. We also have to have home and fire inspections at the new house before we move in for our foster care stuff.

I start my new job as a pediatric hospitalist on July 5th. This means I really need to be done moving in and unpacking before my job starts.

D and A are doing well. D is half-way done with summer school and hopefully by the end she will test on the next level and be able to go to the next grade in the fall. A is learning to talk and it's so fun to watch him learn and grow.

Like I said, our lives are crazy busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.



  1. You look so pretty in all of your pictures, Kristy! Enjoy your much deserved vacation (hopefully with much cooler weather than in Texas.) I didn't realize you were moving; good luck with all of that. We continue to pray for you and Jonathan! Love you guys!!

  2. Sorry that was from Stephanie, Buck was signed in. Congrats on graduation.

  3. We are moving to Belton from Temple, only about 5 miles down the road actually. Just a little bigger house with a much bigger yard for the kids and a better school district. Thanks for all the congrats!
