Thursday, January 10, 2013

Foster Care Update

I haven't talked about our foster care journey in a while and decided it was time for an update. We haven't had children in our home since October and those were only here for two weeks. We have submitted our homestudy for multiple foster to adopt or legal risk placements in the past few months but weren't the ones chosen for those children. We have decided that for now we are mostly only going to consider foster to adopt or legal risk placements. However if our agency calls with an emergency placement and we feel led by God to accept it we will. We started the foster care journey with the hope to adopt one day. We aren't done with foster care, not by a long shot. We are in a place in our lives where God is leading us to adopt to expend our forever family. We will return to fostering. Fostering emergency placements has been an enormous blessing to us and we will do it again in the future.


  1. You are such a blessing to open your homes and your hearts! I pray that God would build your forever family and start adding siblings to Grant! Love and blessings to you my friend.

  2. Praying, sweet friend.

    The wait is soooo long sometimes!

  3. I nominated you for an award. :) Go check out my blog.

  4. I am soo praying that God picks the perfect child to join your family forever.
