Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's Only Tuesday!

It is only Tuesday and yet I feel like it should be Friday. I guess this comes from the fact that today was my 9th day in a row to work and I have 3 more to go before I have 2 days off. I absolutely love my job and working with the babies and moms is incredibly rewarding. The days get longer when some of the babies who are supposed to be healthy turn out to be sick. This means I have to draw blood, do x-rays and other stuff to figure out why they aren't doing as well as they should be. One of the coolest parts of my jobs is getting to reassure the parents and just getting to educate them about their children, what is going on, and that their baby will be just fine. 

Friday will be one great day! First of all it is my 12th day of a 12 day shift, meaning I have Saturday and Sunday to chill. Second and most important, Jonathan will be here for the weekend. I haven't seen him in almost 2 weeks and I miss him greatly. Absence does really make the heart grow fonder. 

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your weekend to be so very special, Dr. Kristy :)

